

Frequently asked questions


Who do we wax? We welcome all genders into our wax bars, men, women, non binary, if you grow hair, we remove it. We look forward to meeting you.


Getting ready for an appointment? Here are some pre-wax measures to ensure smooth-sailing during your service:

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¼ Inch Hair Length

In order to effectively remove all of your hair, we require a quarter of an inch in length. So, if you’ve been shaving, this typically amounts to 2-3 weeks worth of growth. (If you don’t grow it, we can’t wax it!)

Steer clear of stimulants

Coffee or booze may seem like a great idea, but you’re better off avoiding them. The acid and caffeine in coffee will stimulate your skin, making your wax more painful. And while a shot of tequila might seem to be just what the doctor ordered, it won’t ease the pain. In fact, consuming alcohol can tighten your pores, leading to a painful waxing experience. Choose hydration over intoxication; drink water before your wax and your skin will thank you.

Scrub your skin

Exfoliate your skin 24-48 hours before your wax. Then on the morning of your appointment, take a hot shower or bath. (Foxy Tip: In addition to freshening up, a hot bath or shower can also open up your pores so your hairs glide more easily from your follicles, score!) Don’t apply any lotions, creams, self-tanners or sprays before your appointment, they can interfere with the application of the wax.

Take the edge off

If you’re feeling concerned about pain or discomfort, take anAdvil (1-2) an hour before your wax. If you’re still feeling nervous, we carry a topical numbing cream you can apply half an hour prior to your service to help soothe the sting.

Chill Winston

Come to your appointment as relaxed as you can. When you tense up, the muscles around your hair follicles tighten, making the process more difficult (and more uncomfortable). Practice deep breathing—get your zen on, Baby. Because like many things in life, the anticipation is worse than the experience.

Dress Comfortably

Dress as comfortably as possible. Avoid restrictive fabrics (leave those leather booty shorts at home dancing queen). Heat and friction can cause irritation, ingrown hairs and general ickiness. Loose-fitting clothes and natural fabrics will let your skin breathe easier post-wax.

Plan ahead

If you have a special occasion coming up and have never been waxed, we recommend scheduling your service at least three or four days prior to the big event. Better yet, try to schedule two waxes BEFORE the big day . This way you have time to recover from any reactions or post-wax tenderness, and you’ll get the first wax (the most uncomfortable one) out of the way prior to your wedding, vacation, music festival, comic book convention, pizza party, girl’s night, what have you.

Cancellation Policy: As a courtesy to our Vagicians and other clients, provide us with a minimum of 12 hours notice, if you need to switch your appointment time or cancel altogether. A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a hole in your technician’s day that could have been filled by another client. If any change or cancellation is needed within the 12 hours, or if you no-show for your appointment, you will be charged 50% of the service(s) booked. We do require a credit card on file to reserve appointments when booking. This applies to all appointment types, members and bundle use included.

During Appointment

You’ve made it to your appointment, you’ve dropped your drawers, you’re on the bed, now what? Here are some notes on what you can expect during your visit:

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Box Style Guide

Hair is removed from the top & sides of your undies. A quick and easy service to look trim and tidy!

This service goes deeper into the sides and top, and we also remove any hair between the bum cheeks. A good step to take before the Brazilian (we leave the most sensitive spots alone).

Our specialty! With the Brazilian we take it all. Everything is removed, including the front, the labia, and between the cheeks. However, we can leave a small strip or triangle on top if you’d like.

Distraction techniques

There are TVs and music playing to take your mind off being waxed. When all else fails, we utilize our sparkling wit.

No need to feel awkward

Our Vagicians are the Best In The West. It is our mission in life to make you feel at home in a very awkward circumstance—being pantless in front of a stranger. We specialize in hair removal, and to be more precise we specialize in Brazilians. We’ve seen it all, Honey, we CANNOT be fazed.

Quick like a Fox

A full Brazilian takes 20 minutes. Our team places great importance on efficiency. We figure: “Why prolong the process?

Aunt Flo

You can still get a Brazilian while you’re on your period. You’ll be a little more sensitive, but as long as you bring in a tampon it’s no problem on our end.

Soft wax

We use soft wax and strips for all our regular wax procedures.

Safety and Sanitation

Your health and safety is our highest priority. After all, cleanliness is next to Foxiness. Every technician must adhere to the following protocols:

  • We have a very strict NO double-dipping policy. This means that each applicator stick is used only once, so the wax being applied is always sterile.
  • In addition, our techs wear latex-free disposable gloves during every service. They place non-reusable waxing paper on the table for each new client.
  • All implements used (such as tweezers or scissors, etc.) are sanitized and sterilized between clients.


You did it! Way to go, you Foxy thing! Now here’s a little homework to ensure silky smooth satisfaction.

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Be nice to your body

For the first 24 hours after a wax it’s important to avoid exposure to heat and bacteria since your skin is vulnerable and prone to infection, this means:

  • No swimming pools, saunas, hot tubs, hot baths or hot showers
  • No tanning beds or sun exposure
  • No activities that will lead to profuse sweating—this will create the ideal breeding grounds for germs (jazzercise class can wait)
  • No scented soaps or perfumed products of any kind. You can soothe the skin with a clean cold compress, or ask your waxer about our post-care products, look for calming extracts like cucumber, aloe, chamomile, etc.
  • No hanky-panky. In fact, avoid touching the area as much as possible, you may be transferring bacteria from your hands or other people’s hands to your freshly waxed skin. After a day or two, once you’re feeling back to normal, get on with your bad self and feel free to engage in all manner of Foxy behaviours!

Don’t panic

Some slight soreness, redness and small bumps are common and totally normal temporary reactions, particularly after your first wax. These symptoms typically subside after a couple of days. If you’re still unsure and have concerns, give us a ring, we’re always here to help.

Exfoliate & Moisturize

Once your skin has had time to calm down and you’re feeling back to your normal Foxy self (typically 1-3 days), it’s time to talk exfoliation. This is an important process that helps to remove dead cells and refresh your skin. It creates blood flow which in turn draws infection and hair to the surface to be released. If done regularly, exfoliation can help to eradicate ingrown hairs and help you maintain bump-free and ultra-smooth skin. We carry scrub mitts that will help you manually buff your body in the shower, but we can also recommend some other forms of exfoliation. Ask one of our Technician’s for more information and they’ll answer any questions you have about finding the right fit for you! And don’t forget to moisturize! We carry some wonderful juicy products to quench your skin’s thirst.

Get into a rhythm

Sticking to a consistent wax schedule will yield the best results. We recommend returning every 3 – 5 weeks. This ensures a quicker, less painful service AND you’ll qualify for our Frequent Fox discount. Win-win!

Stick with it, Kid

Ready for the good news? It gets easier baby! Your hair will become finer, softer and more sparse with regular waxes. The degree and speed of progress will vary from person to person, but stick to a consistent schedule and you’ll be thrilled with your reduction in hair. Last but not least, don’t ever hesitate to call your friendly neighbourhood Vagicians. We’re in this together; approach us with any questions or concerns.

Laser Treatment

Prepare the laser! You’re ready for a more permanent solution, and we’re here to help.

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How long do I have to wait after waxing to get a laser treatment done?

For maximum results, you need to wait 6-8 weeks after waxing before beginning laser treatment. The laser targets the root of the hair so it’s got to grow back before we can point our laser beams at it. Shave all you want in the meantime (in fact, we encourage it). Listen, I know we usually preach against shaving, but sacrifices must be made for that out-of-this-world-smooth skin.

How do I prepare for my laser treatment?

There are just a few things to keep in mind before having a visit with your Foxy Laser Technician:

  1. Make sure your hair has had time to grow! We recommend 6-8 weeks after waxing or any hair removal method that pulls the hair from the root. Shave as much as you like in the meantime!
  2. Stay out of the sun for 4 weeks prior. In fact, avoid anything that is going to tan your skin, including tanning beds and creams. Make sunscreen apart of your daily routine to help protect your skin!
  3. Shave before your appointment. Our laser doesn’t target the hair itself, but the melanin in the hair follicle.
  4. Come 10 minutes early. Our laser appointments are quick, which means we need to have everything completed, such as your intake form, before you head in! Come early, get settled, and enjoy a cup of tea or read through our “Gay Men Draw Vaginas” book – you definitely don’t want to miss out on that.

How long does each laser treatment take?

We get it. You busy babes have places to be! While the length of time for each area of the body is different, our services are still delivered the same way—fast and efficient. In fact, some areas can be completed in only a few minutes!

Since a Laser Underarm treatment, for example, only takes about 10 minutes, we ask that you please come 10 minutes early to ensure your intake form is complete and you are ready for your appointment.

Do I have the right hair and skin type for laser?

There are many things that go into determining your eligibility for Laser, and the Vectus is a super versatile machine. We can treat nearly every skin tone!

With that in mind, your hair must have pigment to it. Extremely blonde, red, or grey hair cannot be effectively treated, as the melanin acts as the target. If your hair is lighter than your skin colour, you may not be a good candidate.

Yeah, but like how much does it hurt?

Like with any hair removal, laser treatments can be a touch on the uncomfortable side. Thanks to our laser’s new age cooling system, the laser hair reduction process is as painless as a laser can be. Some may describe the zaps as a small snap from an elastic band or as a quick heat sensation. Foxy Tip: We recommend avoiding the laser close to your period, as we’re all a bit more sensitive around that time of the month.

How many treatments do I need?

The average fox needs about 6 – 8 treatments to achieve desired results, with some foxes needing up to 10. You should see visible hair reduction after the first 1 or 2 treatments! Heck yes!

How effective is it? Is it permanent?

We have one of the best lasers in the galaxy, babe. This bad boy zaps away those unwanted hairs with 70%-90% hair reduction noticed after 6-8 sessions!

There are a few things that may cause regrowth, such as hormone changes (eg. pregnancy), however, on the whole, the process of laser is permanent! You can expect many follices to no longer produce any hair, while a few may only produce thin, light, virtually invisible hair.

Can I get laser treatments if I am on Accutane?

No. Unfortunately you cannot. We want to look out for that beautiful skin of yours. Accutane causes the skin to become highly sensitive making you more susceptible to burns and irritation. We recommend that you have been off Accutane for a minimum of 6 months before beginning laser treatments.

Face treatments or products that includes retinols or AHAs and BHAs should be avoided for at least 4 weeks before treatment as well.

Can I get laser treatments if I’m pregnant?

Although there is no documented clinical evidence of laser hair reduction being harmful to pregnant people, the body is going through significant hormonal changes. Hormones can cause hair to grow sporadically, making the laser treatments less effective. We recommend you wait until your body is back to its usual self before coming in for laser treatments.

When can I resume my daily activities?

Laser is similar to waxing in regards to aftercare. You should avoid excessive sweating, hot tubs, saunas, and direct sun exposure for the first 24 hours. After the first 24 hours, sun exposure should be limited as the melanin in your skin has been activated; It is recommended you stay out of the sun for 4 to 6 weeks following each treatment. If you are out and about, slather on that sunscreen and sport one of our Foxy Box caps – your skin will thank you!

What kind of Laser do you use?

We use the Vectus Laser by Cynosure! This machine uses a diode laser to cause permanent hair reduction by targeting the melanin in the follicle with light energy. The heat reaction causes damage, and the follicle will no longer be able to produce new hairs.

What is different about the Vectus Laser?

There are a few things that set our machine apart!

Large Spot Size: This means we can cover more area in less time, so your treatments will be done in a flash.

Contact Cooling: Direct cooling of the skin for the most comfortable experience.

Skintel Melanin Reader: This device takes accurate measurements of the active melanin in your skin. With this information, we accurately choose settings to best fit your skin type. The results? Increased safety and effective treatments!

Do you have a laser guarantee?

You bet we do! We are committed to incredible hair reduction results. After completing 8 treatments, you will receive one free touch-up per year for five years!

You can book your touch-up, online or over the phone.

For online bookings please add, “laser guarantee touch-up” in the notes and special instructions section.

Box Policies

We want to ensure that every guest leaves feeling foxy from head to tail! To ensure our quality of service please keep these policies in mind:

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Arrive a few minutes early

Please show up a few minutes (5-10 mins) before your appointment, especially if you are a first-time fox. This will allow us time to ensure you’ve filled out your client intake form and get you set up and comfortable for your first service.

Running Late

We get it, we get it – parking is CRAZY and sometimes everyone on the road is driving like a turtle. Don’t sweat it; Here at the box we totally understand that life can be unpredictable! If you know you are going to be late, please give us a call ASAP so we know your ETA. Keep in mind, if you are more than 5 minutes late for your appointment, we may not be able to accommodate your service. While we are quick as a fox, we do require the full appointment time to make sure we give you the best wax . If our Vagician can’t squeeze you in, we’ll be happy to reschedule your appointment for a time that works for everyone.

Cancellation Policy

Nobody likes to be stood up. Our team of Vagicians are just as excited as you to have a wax or laser date! We get it, schedules change and we’re happy to accommodate! Please note, we require 12 hours notice for any changes or cancellations of appointments. You can find all of our locations’ phone numbers right here on this website or you can make appointment adjustments online via our Foxy Box app. If any change or cancellation is needed within the 12 hours, or if you no-show for your appointment, you will be charged 50% of the service(s) booked. We do require a credit card on file to reserve appointments when booking. This applies to all appointment types, members, and bundle use. If you book a Foxy First appointment (free or discounted), you will be charged 50% of the regular-priced service. With this 12-hour window, we can happily find a fox to fill this time slot so our Vagicians aren’t left hanging. We thank you for your understanding.

Treatment Room Tactics

Our Vagicians are just as excited as you to spend some quality time de-fuzzing and getting to know you. With this in mind, please note that we do not allow guests in the treatment rooms with you during your appointment, with the exception of your new baby or small child under the age of 6. However, for safety reasons, babies and children are not allowed in the Laser treatment room. We’ve got you, mamma’s! Do you have a furbaby? Bring them to us!! Our front-of-house staff will keep an eye on them for you.


Learn about Foxy Box memberships and join today!

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Can the laser tiers of the Fox Club be used at other locations?

No, the services must be redeemed at the place of purchase. If you move, you can cancel and re-sign up at your closest location.

Are the laser Fox Club serviceS transferable?

No, the services must be redeemed by the initial member. 

Can I combine my Fox Club perks with other discounts and promotions?

No, discounts cannot be combined. 

What is the billing cycle?

You will be billed once every 5 weeks.

Why is the billing cycle longer?

Since the time between laser services varies a lot more than waxing (eg. could be 5 weeks for an upper lip but 7 weeks for a half leg), we have extended the time between billing dates. Additionally, these services do not expire for a year (except the Diamond level) in case you have sun exposure or need to take a break.

Can I pause or freeze a membership?

No, you cannot pause or freeze a membership. 

How do I cancel a membership?

Once signed up you agree to a 3 month commitment and need to provide 30 days notice to cancel. You can call or email your local box to cancel.

What's a buddy pass?

Buddy passes are given with the purchase of a Platinum or Diamond Laser Membership and are valid for one FREE underarm laser service. Buddy passes must be used by non-members only and expire after one year.

How do I use a buddy pass?

A buddy pass is redeemable for one free underarm laser service and expires after a year. They are not available for you (the member) to use. Just let us know who is going to use the service and we will add it to their account!

How often do I get buddy passes?

The buddy passes are only given at sign-up. If you cancel and sign-up again later, then you are only eligible to receive buddy passes once per year. 

When does my membership expire?

Laser Tiers (Gold, Platinum): Services expire ONE YEAR after the purchase date, EXCEPT the Diamond Tier. Clients only receive Unlimited Laser while they are paying monthly.

Waxing Tiers (Premium, Elite): Services expire one month after purchase. 

Memberships will continue to renew until a member requests cancellation. We require one month’s notice for membership cancellation.