
A Word From Our Founder & CEO

Apr 18, 2020

To my wonderful Foxy Family,

It’s been 32 days since we closed our doors and suspended all services, 32 days that have felt like 32 months.  Isn’t it funny how time can slow down or speed up or stop altogether in times of uncertainty? Even after 32 long days, I’m still finding the state of the world hard to believe.  It’s hard to accept that we’re living through an unprecedented, global crisis. What will we say about this chapter of our lives when we’re on the other side? How will we remember the spring of 2020?  What will be different or the same about our lives before and after the pandemic? How many people is it possible to hug at the same time (when it’s safe again)? When and why did we collectively decide that baking sourdough and watching Tiger King are the official activities of COVID quarantine?    

But in all seriousness, the uncertainty of our current state can be a lot to bear.  When I’m feeling overwhelmed I take comfort in the courage and compassion that I see right here in our own community.  I look to the folks that Mr. Rogers called “the helpers”, the heroes on the front lines that put themselves at risk every day, the healthcare workers, delivery drivers and grocery store clerks.  

I think of the neighbourly love and generosity that shines through in the darkest of hours, and it reminds me that we will get through this, and we will do it together.

This belief in our collective strength makes me think of my favourite Foxy core value.  I’m probably not supposed to have a favourite, but I do, and it’s this: we’re stronger together.

We’re Stronger Together: Sisterhood is unstoppable and we wholeheartedly believe that our successes and tribulations are intrinsically linked. Our thoughts and actions create a powerful ripple effect in our lives, our business, our community and ultimately…the world.

This is not just a core value for us, it’s how we make decisions, it’s our manifesto, the belief we built our brand on, and it rings truer today than it did the day we wrote it.  It’s interesting how the same words can take on new meaning in a new context. I’ll be holding these words in my heart in the days ahead, on the days when isolation feels a little more challenging.  I’m so lucky to be a part of this Foxy community and I wanted to thank you for being here and being a part of it. I appreciate you so much, and I want you to know that we will be back… when it is safe to open our doors again, you can bet your cute booty that we’ll be back.  We will re-launch bigger, better and foxier than ever. And until that day arrives, we’ll be missing each and every one of you and thanking our lucky stars for the support and loyalty of our Foxy Fam ♥️

In the meantime, keep your chin up, stay safe & stay foxy! 

Xoxo – Ky


P.S. I want to share a free resource here for anyone that needs support.  All British Columbians now have access to free, psychological first-aid thanks to a collaboration between UBC Okanagan, the BC Psychological Association, and the province.  The uncertainty of the future can have a major impact on our health and wellness, and in particular our mental health. “Unprecedented times call for unprecedented compassion—and it’s important that we keep helping each other the best we can,” says Lesley Lutes, professor of psychology at UBC Okanagan and registered psychologist.  Click here to learn more about this resource.


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